Preparing to remove:

Ensure you have the Rainbow Bulk Bags in p


Before starting clear the ground in front of the hedge of large woody debris to allow for easyaccess and reduce trip hazards (it helps if the hedge has not been recently cut or flailed).

Mark out five metre sections using pegs or coloured ribbon etc. Varying tasks helps with posture, e.g. by completing pre-marked five metre sections before standing, clearing any plastic removed, packing the waste then walking to the next section. This task requires a lot of kneeling and bending so it is not for those with stiff joints or bad backs.

How to participate

Each participant needs close access to:

A tub or similar container for easy collection of shards and broken spirals. Spirals exposed to the most sunlight (UV) can be brittle and shatter when removed requiring fingertip clearance of the area to remove all plastic shards from the soil. A rigid container kept close by for easy collection of small shards is essential.

Bin bags with a litter picking ring to keep them open are also useful. Spirals that come off whole can be tossed behind into the open to be collected upon standing up and put into bags

A small trowel, fork or knife is useful to dislodge plastic caught between stems or the bases of spirals that have become buried in the soil. Hazel (with its multiple stems) tends to trap the plastic spirals and make them difficult or impossible to remove completely.

A kneel mat is essential to protect knees from being punctured by thorns, particularly if the hedge has been flailed recently.

PPE: Full skin coverage is required – especially vulnerable areas are the lower back, hands, arms, head and eyes. A cap as headwear, safety glasses (or sunglasses / normal glasses) and gloves that allow fine motor movement plus a kneel mat are all essential

After the task

Ensure all removed spirals have been picked up with a brief walk-over of the hedge line. Ensure bulk containers are in a stable, upright position and are covered or sealed to prevent spirals from spilling into the environment. NB: If moving waste from a hedge to a storage or recycling facility you may need a waste transfer license. Please see the links on to the website for information regarding this.

Frequently Asked Question

1. Who can take part in the Collection Scheme?Any professional or end-user can take part. For practical and environmental reasons, we recommend grouping bags as much as possible to make the collection journeys as efficient as possible.

2. Who will collect the Spirals?Each end-user is responsible for the removal of the spirals. When the bags are full, Rainbow will arrange collection and transport them for recycling in Hull.

3. Where can I get the Rainbow Bulk Bags from?If you send us an e-mail or order online, we will arrange the bags for you

4. Which product can I put in the Rainbow Bulk Bags?Any PVC spiral or PVC vole guard (these are the dark green vole guards) can go in the bag. Please do not put cans, litter, or other products inside as these could have a negative impact on the recycling plant. For that reason, mixed bags will not be accepted.

5. How much will the bags weigh?The bags will weigh 35-50 kgs depending on how efficiently they are filled

6. How many Spirals fit in a bag?We currently estimate about 600 – 700 spirals fit per bag, maybe more. At 7 spirals per meter of the hedge, 1 bag would cover around 100m of hedging.

7. When will the collection scheme run?For collections of 6-15 bags, the scheme runs from April – September outside of the planting season. However, for the collection of over 15 bags, the scheme will run all year long

8. When is the best time to remove spirals?We recommend removing hedge spirals between September and March when hedge plants are bare of leaves and the bird nesting season has finished

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Tel: +44 (0) 1482 616861